Registered Massage Therapists can treat a wide range of conditions such as:
- Sciatica
- Bursitis
- Low Back Pain
- Scoliosis
- Stress Related Disorders
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Iliotibial Band Syndrome
- Arthritis
- Headaches
- Postural Conditions
- Athletic Injuries
- Muscle Tension
- Repetitive Strain
- Pregnancy
- Shoulder Pain
- Gout
- Whiplash
- Tendonitis
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Post Partum Recovery

Sports Massage
Massage Therapy is beneficial for pre-event preparation, post-event recovery, and training maintenance. Your massage therapist can help pinpoint problem areas before they become injuries and get you on the right track to recovery. Make Massage Therapy a part of your training regimen.

Work Place
Whether you are an office worker, trades-person, in the service industry or any other occupation, you will develop routines and habits that will affect your body. Your massage therapist can help sort these kinks out, give you stretches & exercises to combat the workplace and help you set good ergonomics in place.

Effects of Aging
Whom ever said that “…it is hard work to get older” is absolutely correct! It is important for your health to keep active, but nagging aches and pains make it difficult if not impossible. We all develop wear & tear over a lifetime of using our bodies. Your massage therapist can help alleviate many of those muscular/skeletal issues, give insight on what may be causing the trouble, then help guide you to keep up with it on your own.